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Review | Funk-N-Fiction: SASSY BLONDE by Stacey Kennedy

Sassy Blonde - Stacey Kennedy

Initial Thoughts:
I’ve heard really great things about this author for a long time, and the write-up looked really fun. It’s a spin-off, in the same world as a previous series, but I was told it could be read as a “book one”.

What I Loved:
The three sisters at the core of the story are a lot of fun. Very different, and filling their own role in the business (the series namesake, Three Chicks Brewery). I liked that we got to see them interact as much as we did, even though there was a definite focus on Maisie and Hayes’ budding “friends-to-lovers” relationship. It was pretty obvious from the start, where the story was going to go, but Stacey manages to throw in some curves that kept things interesting and fun. I loved that the angst level was kept low, even though there was definitely some baggage to be dealt with. I loved that once things started to happen between the two of them, there wasn’t any “hemming & hawing” about it. They owned it, and moved forward. I loved some of the other side characters… Beckett at the horse training facility was a particular favorite. I’m really hoping he’ll end up with a book in the future. In the end, I love that Maisie found her own way. One that was a little outside the norm, but still relevant to the business, and true to herself.

What I Didn’t Love:
I didn’t love the experience that caused the tension between Maisie and Hayes… even though that is also the experience that brings them together. But it’s a situation of needing a catalyst, and it had to be something big. Fine… I get it… but I’m still sad. And now I’m over it, again.

I also REALLY thought I knew who “the guy” at the state fair was!! (Trying not to be spoilery.) It totally wasn’t him… but I think it would have been a really great clap-back to the first night of the festival tour. Oh, well. Worked out ok, in the end.

Source: http://funknfiction.com/2020/06/19/blog-tour-review-sassy-blonde-by-stacey-kennedy